

Harpsichord, chest organ
Nr. II «Mariä Besuch bei Elisabeth»
Nr. VI «Christi am Ölberg»
Nr. X «Die Kreuzigung»
Nr. XII «Christi Himmelfahrt»
Sonaten für Clavier und Violine
A-Dur BWV 1015
f-Moll BWV 1018
E-Dur BWV 1016
G-Dur BWV 1019
Parking space at Ambras Castle is very limited. Please use our free shuttle bus service.
Read moreAs an additional service, we offer a free introductory talk.
Rainer Lepuschitz discusses aspects of the programme with the artists of the evening. The introduction starts one hour before the concert.
We would be glad to assist wheelchair users with informations regarding the ticket, parking space and access to the venues. Therefore please contact our office:
+43 512 571032-13,
Visitors under the age of 30 -50%
Ö1 card members -10%
ÖBB Vorteilscard -10% (only at the box office)
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