Innsbruck Festival and coronavirus: What's next?

Update: The Austrian government has announced to inform in mid-May about the restrictions for summer events. It will then be decided whether and in what form the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music 2020 can take place, taking into account all health priorities.
Dear audience and friends of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music!
Of course, we are keeping a close eye on the current developments in connection with the coronavirus. All events in Austria up to the end of June have already been officially cancelled. At the end of April, the Austrian government wants to give a forecast for the summer events. Only then will we decide whether and in what form the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music can take place, taking into account all health priorities. A cancellation would be a bitter blow not only for us as organisers, but also for you, dear audience, and especially for our many artists. However, no matter what the decision will be, we will continue to work on the development of the Festival with all our heart and passion.
We will keep you informed about all news on our website, on our social media channels and through our newsletter.
In the meantime: Hang in there and stay healthy!
Your team of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music