7. May 2021
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With more than 50 events, from 13 July to 29 August 2021, the 45th Innsbruck Festival of Early Music is once again filling the city with music.
Brimming with anticipation, festival artistic director Alessandro De Marchi announces: “Under the theme ‘Perspectives’, we invite you to take in the music that we are dusting off and presenting on our contemporary stage for exploration.”.
With the operas “L’Idalma overo Chi la dura la vince” by Bernardo Pasquini, Johann Mattheson’s “Boris Goudenow” and the “Pastorelle en Musique” by Georg Philipp Telemann, the Innsbruck Festival is once again bringing three real rarities to the stage.
“With its varied programme – including numerous events open to the public free of charge – the Innsbruck Festival 2021 guarantees cultural experiences at the highest level while conveying hope and positivity. In view of the current challenges, this is of incalculable value and puts the focus on the relevance of art and culture for our society,” highlights Dr. Beate Palfrader, Member of the Regional Government for Culture.
The Innsbruck Festival will take a journey through the music of the 16th century, visit musical cabinets of curiosities and coffee houses, indulge in the works of Bach, and present many other musical treasures. The traditional crowning finale is the final concert of the 12th Cesti Competition.
“The festival represents an enormous enrichment for the cultural life of the city and has been a fixed date on the calendar for many residents of Innsbruck for many years. The Cesti Competition, which serves as a springboard for young singers, adds further value to the events – which I personally appreciate very much”, says Innsbruck Mayor Georg Willi.
After months of silence with halted cultural life, Innsbruck is now once again becoming a musical oasis.
“Following last year’s success, we are very pleased that we can once again celebrate the Innsbruck Festival with all music-loving visitors. Our tried and tested safety concept, adapted to the current circumstances, guarantees the safe enjoyment of culture with unique musical experiences”, Managing Director Dr. Markus Lutz and Operations Director Mag. Eva-Maria Sens explain.